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Environmental Policy

We are proud to be an environmentally responsible company. We founded with an ethical commitment to be carbon friendly with sustainability at the heart of company, instilled in our employees and promoted within our brand.

Otelli is an advanced digital marketing agency specialised in creative strategy. We create, develop and grow brands using all modern marketing disciplines operating from a single premises in Northampton.
Light bulb with leaf and otelli logo

What makes Otelli sustainable?


We are proud to be almost entirely paperless. All our operations, financial reporting and team meetings use G-suite or whiteboarding. Our service areas are 100% online from websites and apps to digital advertising and lead generation.

Energy Efficiency

All our lights are energy efficient and with motion sensors. We switch off all  plugs and computers as part of our strict ‘power down when not in use’ policy. We remind our staff to carry out these procedures in weekly team meetings.


We never use single-use and always recycle. We love to use ground coffee in our office. It is great for our coffee snobs, reduces single-use coffee cups and can be used as fertiliser in our gardens and alotments. Our staff have reusable cups provided to avoid using plastic bottles.

Single Office and WFH Hybrid

We aim to allow our employees to work from home when required to reduce travel emissions and waste. Many of our employees live 5 miles within one another and often carpool to our office.

Our Committment

We are fully committed to reducing the impact our company has on the environment. This includes identifying the aspects of our business relative to this process, measurement and monitoring, providing solutions to reduce negative impacts and a commitment to continually improve our environmental performance. We promote our environmental ethos and policies internally to our staff and externally to our clients, suppliers and partners.

We take our responsibilities on this matter very seriously and we provide the following statements of commitment:

  • Actively reduce our waste through waste reduction policies, recycle and reuse as much as possible and promote creative thinking amongst staff about this process.
  • Strive for a carbon neutral status by reducing our CO2 output to a minimum and use carbon offsetting programs to neutralise that what we cannot currently reduce any further.
  • Embrace new and more efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption by providing better performance per watt or automated ‘power down when not in use’ policies.
  • Educate staff and clients on new methods and policies to reduce energy and waste generation.
  • Purchase products and services from third party suppliers that share similar environmental positioning goals as our own.
  • Be transparent in our findings, celebrate our environmental tribulations as much as our triumphs so that we and others can learn from our mistakes.
  • Use our skills in marketing and communication to actively promote environmental sustainability and raise awareness to climate change in our region.
  • Be localised and socially responsible, offer support and sponsorship for local organisations, agencies and not for profit projects in relation to environmental issues.
  • Ensure that all our activities and services comply with all relevant environmental legislations.
  • Encourage staff to engage in our environmental positioning, it is at the heart of our company. We have a responsibility to join in at a grass roots level with local communities and charities to enhance our local environment.
  • Seek new opportunities to help raise awareness to climate change and enhance our local communities.

Say Hello

We'd love to hear from you! No matter your business size, industry or budget, we'd be glad to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

The Otelli Team