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Insurance companies must maintain a constant online presence to ensure that they are generating customers at a consistent and adequate rate. For this reason, online marketing for businesses in this industry is constantly on their agenda. There are various things that can be done to enhance the effectiveness of online marketing. These include optimising your website, PPC and SEO campaigns, or delegating these responsibilities to a specialist team, which is the best way to maximise ROI. Here are some tips on how you can boost the effectiveness of your various marketing devices:

Chapter One: How To Get More Insurance Leads From PPC

Pay-Per-Click is one of the best ways to market businesses and their websites online and can offer the marketer a great ROI. Because you only pay the publisher a fee when someone clicks on your advert, you don’t have to worry about money being wasted through your ad being displayed to people who aren’t interested, such is the case with print advertising. 

To get more leads from PPC, you could consider the channel you are using to display your ads. For example, LinkedIn offers a lead generation form in their PPC package that allows prospects to populate a lead form with one click. This can increase your number of high-quality leads because people are immediately confirming their interest by giving you permission to contact them, and the form is so easy to fill out.

You can also give your PPC campaign a powerful boost by using the data collected in your analytics panel to inform your approach. Data pertaining to your target customer’s profile and behavioural patterns emerges during the campaign, and this can be used to tailor your messaging and ensure your ad is persuading people effectively.

Chapter Two: How do I get More Insurance Leads From SEO?

SEO is another powerful tool for online marketing and lead generation and this can also be enhanced to improve the results you are seeing. By strategically targeting keywords, such as by targeting long-tail and low-competition keywords, you can get to the top of the results page and increase the amount of leads you are generating.

A carefully designed SEO strategy considers what content the competition is releasing and seeks to improve on it in some way, either by offering more, better or different information. 

Being active on social media is also important for SEO, as receiving a large number of shares, comments and general engagement tells search engines that your brand/website is reputable and worth showing to people. Having a strong social media presence also helps SEO because it will increase the likelihood of people linking to your content.

Chapter Three: How To Get More Insurance Leads From Your Website

With your PPC campaign and content strategy optimised to the fullest, you can expect to generate a significantly higher amount of traffic to your website. This means that your website needs to be properly prepared to capture the information of visitors so that they become leads. 

Ensuring your website is fast, responsive and secure is the bare minimum, on top of which various other elements can be added to increase the likelihood that visitors will part with their personal information. This could mean designing a UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) that gently, but effectively, lead your prospect through your website and nudge them towards an action button.

There are various other strategies that can all be implemented simultaneously to massively increase the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts in addition to your other marketing initiatives. Otelli can help you with all aspects of online marketing and ensure that you are generating a tonne of high-quality leads. 

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