Whois Logo



Branded Animations

Services Provided

Branding, Animation, Video, Website

1.0 Background

Whoisvisiting is a marketing software used to generate leads from your website visits. It uses advanced data technology to power business sales channels. The client desired an animation theme for their content and website.

2.0 Branding

Whoisvisiting is a long-standing client and we’ve completed 2 re-brands for them over the last 4 years. The first of which involved unique animation characters that made them stand out from competitor services.

2.1 Branding (cont)

After gaining many customers worldwide, we re-branded to suit their audience. A sleek, efficient and simple design became favourable, resulting in the iconic Whois logo seen today.

3.0 Website and Video

A huge part of Whois’ website is explaining and selling there service. We produced explanatory videos and graphics to make a user-friendly, clear and seamless customer journey.  Feel free to check out their website, you may find the tools useful yourself!

Whois Branding Comparison

Feel free to slide to your heart’s content!

2014 Design

Whoisivisiting was a new software company that had stand out from competitors in branding and proposition. Animated characters, video explainers and aesthetic website design grabbed customers’ attention in a competitive market.

whois header old Whois header new
Fast-forward to 2020 Design

Whoisvisiting is a pioneer in user experience with a mighty customer base. We re-branded Whois to demonstrate their simple but high-tech product (first image). Whois prospects and current customers loved their simple, effective site with impressive value propositions.

Video / Animation  Work

Whois Animation Video (muted)
Whois Explaining White Label (muted)